Land Acknowledgement

We at the Siinqee Institute offer deep gratitude and respect to the Indigenous stewards of this land on which we live, learn, and work. As migrants and refugees who settled and incorporated the Siinqee Institute in the settler colonial state of Canada, we give deep acknowledgment that this land is the traditional territory of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.

Honouring the calls to action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, we commit to learning and spreading the knowledge of Indigenous peoples’ struggles on this land. We strive to forge respectful relations with the people and the land that nurtures us.

As further testament to our commitment here, and as we continue our relations with the peoples of the lands from which we came, we offer meaningful support to Indigenous peoples’ struggles for justice and self-determination on this land and around the world. Deeply engaged in our own decolonization, we also support emancipatory struggles for decolonization, justice, and reconciliation on this land and around the world.